Nevada Public Education Under Attack!
Nevada is in dire need to protect public education!
Currently in Nevada the Republicans hold the Governor's office as well as the majority in both the Assembly and the Senate. This situation has allowed a host of anti- parent/student/teacher bills to make their way from committees to the legislative floor to be voted on, awaiting the governor's signature.
Nevada students, parents and teachers desperately need support now! The following is an overview of some of the major issues being discussed.
Opportunity Scholarships have already been passed and are awaiting the signature of Governor Sandoval. These scholarships function essentially as vouchers, providing state money for private and parochial schools.
There is also a separate voucher bill up for debate.
Governor Sandoval supports state-appointed school boards. His childhood friend and former campaign advisor is State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dale Erquiagua.
Unions are also under attack. Nevada has long been a right-to-work state. Now, eliminating collective bargaining, eliminating union leave, eliminating automatic union dues payroll deduction and more are being discussed. AB182 is described as total union annihilation.
The Governor would like to set up an Achievement School District (AB448) in Nevada, much like in Tennessee's ASD & New Orleans. The lowest - performing schools in the state would be turned over the for-profit charters that would comprise our public schools.
There is also a Campus-Carry Bill being pushed in the legislature. This bill would allow weapons on a school campus. This would include preschools, k-12 and colleges.
Another area of debate surrounds breaking up large districts, such as Clark County (greater Las Vegas area). If broken up, the reality of an education based on zip code would be greatly exaggerated especially for those in poverty.
There are other bills as well, many of which surround and promote corporate ed reform and privatization.
On a positive note, there is a bill up for vote which would protect Teachers from administrative bullying. @ElliottAndersonNV is that bills' sponsor.
Some names and twitter handles:
@JoyceWoodhouse is working on reducing the evaluations based on test scores from 50% to 40%.
@AaronDFord (Senate minority leader) is pro-public charters, but is our only true advocate in leadership to protect public education.
@beckyharrisnv -Education Committee Chair.
@GovSandoval - Governor Brian Sandoval.
It is time for the nation's eyes to turn to what is going on in Nevada. The state legislators need to know that their actions are being watched.