“I Believe…. I Believe That…. I Believe That We Will Win!”
By: Larry Proffitt, BAT Leadership Team Member and TN BAT AdministratorNo one spoke more eloquently at this year’s opening session of the Network For Public Education than a young lady by the name of Tanaisa Brown. This young representative of the Newark Students’Union spoke with poise, grace, but most of all fire! She stirred the emotions of the crowd and brought them to their feet more than once. Her message was one of a mature view on the siege of public education and the part students played. She led the crowd to their feet with a cheer of “I believe that we will win!” It was an amazing sight to behold as the room filled with education advocates arose in unison to follow the young confident voice that would seem as the climax of a conference, but it was only the beginning.
Being able to watch the message of various students at this conference was a blessing and an experience of rejuvenation and motivation. If they could step out, anyone could. Other students took their place among the conference participants as seasoned and confident messengers of hope. It rang the bell of reminder that they were the reason for the gathering in the first place. It was enlightening to experience them!
At the end of the conference, I was able to sit and observe the three students representing the NSU being interviewed. I listened to them answer questions and give testimony and opinion that was unwavering. I was amazed at the level of maturity of this group, and how it handled itself during the conference and in this particular interview. It brought chills and reassurance to my spirit of solidarity.
I want to thank these young inspirations for their input and their spirit! Because of them, many left the weekend with the same idea ringing in their heads, I believe that we can win!I