Three Interviews from the United OPT OUT Conference
The United Opt Out Conference in Philadelphia last weekend was an amazing experience. Here are three interviews conducted by Rick Smith for those who couldn't be there in person. Click on the links to hear the interviews
OptOut 2016: Anthony Cody shows how children are sorted out by Big Education Inc.
February 29, 2016
Anthony Cody, retired educator and Living in Dialogue blogger sat down with Rick Smith the United Opt Out conference in Philadelphia to discuss the conference, the state of education in America, and what needs to be done moving forward to save kids from being sorted and shuffled by big Education Inc.
OptOut 2016: Jeff Bryant tells the story behind the anti-education propaganda
February 29, 2016
Jeff Bryant, Associate Fellow at the Campaign for America’s Future and Director of the Education Opportunity Network sat down with Rick Smith at the International House in Philadelphia to talk cyber charters, education testing, opt out, and more from the United Opt Out conference.
OptOut 2016: Peggy Robertson talks OPT OUT and the Future of Public Education
February 29, 2016
Peggy Robertson,President of United Opt Out National joins Rick Smith to discuss the United Opt Out conference. It’s hopes. It’s goals. And what the future holds for students,parents, and educators as money in politics is dominating the privatization of education.