Trump's "Hair" as Metaphor for his "Politics"
By Dr. Mitchell Robinson - Member of BATs Research/Blogging Team
Originally published on his blog
Much has been made of that strange tangle of synthetic carpet fibers and dryer lint perched atop Donald Trump's noggin over the course of the Republican presidential primary: Is it real? Is it alive? Is it hair?
But that discussion obfuscates the real story here--what is the relationship between The Donald's mane and his positions on the political issues of the day?
But that discussion obfuscates the real story here--what is the relationship between The Donald's mane and his positions on the political issues of the day?
Trump's Hair is...Flexible
Just like Mr. Trump's political positions, his hair starts on the left, then drifts to the right:
Trump's Hair is...Messy
You are forgiven if you sometimes think you see a small, hairy mammal camped out on Mr. Trump's head. As hard as it is to believe, that's supposed to be Donald's hair. It's often unkempt, swirling, and untamed--much like his positions on controversial issues, such as...
Trump's Hair is...Inauthentic
Careful study of Mr. Trump's hair reveals that it starts out at the follicles a shade of neon orange unknown in nature, fading to a wispy, washed out grey by the end of its frazzled tips. Dime store fright wigs look more natural.
And yet, Trump seems unnaturally proud of his unruly locks, as befits a man so neurotically concerned about the size of his...hands. So, what else about Mr. Trump
Where I’m from this is called lying. When is the media going to call him out on this nonsense, and stop giving him free air time to spout his drivel?
What started out as an entertaining and harmless distraction in a seemingly unending campaign has now become dangerous. The office of President is not an entry-level gig. It requires a seriousness of purpose that an entitled playboy like Mr. Trump will never be able to understand. Being the leader of a world superpower requires restraint, self-control, and gravitas--characteristics that are foreign to a person who has never been told "no," and surrounds himself with sycophants and admirers.
A leader is a person who demonstrates a history of public service, not a lifetime of narcissism, self-aggrandizement and shameless self-promotion.
A leader is a person who unequivocally disavows the support and endorsement of racists and fundamentalists, and eschews violence from his followers, rather than encouraging these persons and behaviors through the escalation of his own violent rhetoric.
A leader is a person who appeals to the highest ideals and aspirations of a nation's citizens, not the lowest.
Enough is enough…the eagle is angry, and wants its country back.
And yet, Trump seems unnaturally proud of his unruly locks, as befits a man so neurotically concerned about the size of his...hands. So, what else about Mr. Trump
Where I’m from this is called lying. When is the media going to call him out on this nonsense, and stop giving him free air time to spout his drivel?
What started out as an entertaining and harmless distraction in a seemingly unending campaign has now become dangerous. The office of President is not an entry-level gig. It requires a seriousness of purpose that an entitled playboy like Mr. Trump will never be able to understand. Being the leader of a world superpower requires restraint, self-control, and gravitas--characteristics that are foreign to a person who has never been told "no," and surrounds himself with sycophants and admirers.
A leader is a person who demonstrates a history of public service, not a lifetime of narcissism, self-aggrandizement and shameless self-promotion.
A leader is a person who unequivocally disavows the support and endorsement of racists and fundamentalists, and eschews violence from his followers, rather than encouraging these persons and behaviors through the escalation of his own violent rhetoric.
A leader is a person who appeals to the highest ideals and aspirations of a nation's citizens, not the lowest.
Enough is enough…the eagle is angry, and wants its country back.