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Meet the New York State Allies for Public Education (NYSAPE)
By:  Marla Kilfoyle, Executive Director BATs and Steering Committee Member NYSAPE

Who is NYSAPE? What do they do? Here is who they are and what they have accomplished!

-->Gov. Cuomo stopped his bullying and created a task force.

-->Ed Reformer Chancellor Tisch decided not to seek another term 

--->NYSAPE supported our Hero Regents who are now all at the helm of creating education policy in NY!

--->Instrumental in leading the drive of over 260,000 (22%) test refusals in NYS (2016).  

1.  No one funds NYSAPE.  NYSAPE has NO budget but is able to successfully counter such highly funded organizations like High Achievement NY and StudentsFirstNY .

2. Here is the NYSAPE steering committee http://www.nysape.org/about-us.html

3.  News articles that have tracked NYSAPEs coalition members movement

Michael Hynes, Kevin Glynn, Jeanette Deutermann, Bianca Tanis speak against CC Task Force and meaningless tweaks
Katie Zahedi – Don’t Make a Mountain out of PISA Scores  http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2015/1/PISA-scores-are-overrated.html
Johanna Garcia - Members of advocacy group NYC Opt Out want all parents to be 'aware they have a choice'http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/education/nyc-opt-group-parents-choice-article-1.2583369
Leonie Haimson: Are We Entering a New Era of Test Score Inflation in New York?https://dianeravitch.net/2016/08/05/leonie-haimson-are-we-entering-a-new-era-of-test-score-inflation-in-new-york/
Eileen Graham Groups seek to bring hope, fun to Genesee St. area  http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2016/06/21/genesee-street-outreach/86180772/
Eileen Graham Connections: The Debate Over State Testing And The Opt-Out Movement  http://wxxinews.org/post/connections-debate-over-state-testing-and-opt-out-movement
"New York State Allies for Public Education" Challenges Governor Cuomo's Reformshttp://www.rochesterfirst.com/news/news/new-york-state-allies-for-public-education-challenges-governor-cuomos-reforms
New York’s opt-out movement aims to influence policy, not just parents.http://www.chalkbeat.org/tag/new-york-state-allies-for-public-education/#.V9w7XPkrKM8
Opt-out leaders to New York: Your testing changes don’t appease ushttp://www.chalkbeat.org/tag/lisa-rudley/#.V9w6ufkrKM8
Tim Farley: The Frightening Plans for New York: Competency Based Education, or Embedded Testinghttps://dianeravitch.net/2015/11/06/tim-farley-the-frightening-plans-for-new-york-competency-based-education-or-embedded-testing/
Perhaps Cuomo has something to say on Common Core
AFT is Wrong about common core

Jeanette Deutermann – Creator of Long Island Opt Out  https://dianeravitch.net/2015/04/23/the-

Bianca Tanis & Carol Burris on Schools Discouraging Opt Out
Parents all over U.S. 'opting out' of standardized student testing
NYS Teachers Protest DFER at Cuomo’s Camp Philos
Marla Kilfoyle, Lisa Rudley & Others tell Arne Duncan “You Do Not Speak For Our Children”
Whose side is the NYS School Board’s Association On?
NYSAPE Members warn of Looming Graduation Crisis and Bogus College Readiness Benchmarks

4.  Some of the many radio shows NYSAPE has appeared on
The Rick Smith Show - Bianca Tanis
WCNY - Bianca Tanis

WKIP - Downside of the Common Core Standards

5.  Some T.V.  Appearances

How to opt out of Common Core standardized testshttp://pix11.com/2014/03/27/opting-out-of-standardized-tests/

WCNY – Bianca Tanis  http://www.wcny.org/cpr042015/

Fox 5 NY – Lisa Rudley vs. Shavar Jefferies of DFER  http://www.fox5ny.com/good-day/117407989-video

Tim Farley and Bianca Tanis on WCNY  http://www.wcny.org/cpr031715/

Bianca Tanis on Capital Tonight  

6.  Jessica McNair and Marla Kilfoyle interviewed for Board of Regents positions.  Regents make education policy in NYS
Jessica McNair at 2:44

7.  Yearly NYSAPE sponsors over fifty education forums in which our coalition members go out into communities to educate about corporate education reform, opt out, education justice, and to answer questions. The following videos will show a small sample of NYSAPE’s work with education forums.

8.  Across NYS, NYSAPE is fighting to get OUR people on Boards of Education

9.  Link to NYSAPEs many press releases which will show a history of consistent activism in NYS – go to the events tab on the website and read the many press releases put out by NYSAPE to get a flavor of what they have fought for in NYS.  http://www.nysape.org/

10.  Lisa Rudley, Jamaal Bowman, Michael Hynes testified before the CC Task Force

11.   Very popular opt out video - NYS Test Refusals Hit Main Street   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URkNzkADnIM

12. NYSAPE in Albany Testimony – Legislative Building  –

13. Involved in Educating Government Officials about Corporate Education Reform, Opt Out, and Education Justice!
Tim Farley meets with Assemblyman Ed RA  http://nyassembly.gov/mem/Edward-P-Ra/story/62457/
Jessica McNair testifies before CC Task Force  http://www.timestelegram.com/article/20151110/NEWS/151119921
Assm. Kaminsky Introduces Education Reforms to Fix Damage He Says Has Been Done by Common Corehttp://www.longisland.com/news/03-21-16/kaminsky-education-reforms-fix-common-core.html
Jeanette Deutermann testifies before NYS Senate  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vQneRpu1w8
Leonie Haimson - Testimony in NYC Education Committee  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKZ1S99nrIk
Lisa Rudley – Testifies in front of NYS Senate  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AO71_o06vKg
Bianca Tanis speaks with Capital Region Legislators
Lisa Rudley Testifies at NYS Education Department Learning Summit on behalf of NYSAPE

14.  Documentaries
Marla Kilfoyle and Jeanette Deutermann in Standardized: The Documentary  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS3W3uDN0dM
Superintendent Michael Hynes video, Common Core Testing System is Abusive and Criminalhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyy0_59_puQ

15. Blogs NYSAPE steering committee members publish on

16.A New York Guide on How to Grow Your State’s Opt Out Movement

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