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BREAKING NEWS!  BATS Begins a White Paper Collection

October 17, 2016- The Badass Teachers Association launched a White Paper Collection on its website. The collection will act as a clearinghouse of research, action research projects, and scientific research projects.  All research will be peer reviewed.

We are honored and proud that we can provide a free space for teachers, parents, and students to go to find peer reviewed research articles on topics such as education, social justice, technology, teaching and learning, and community based schools.

Our first White Paper is titled - The Intended Consequences of the DFER Education Agenda

You can find directly right here  http://www.badassteacher.org/files/DFER-GRammarlychecked.pdf

Here is the introduction of this report:

The purpose of this report is to expose that the education platform of the Democrats for Education is not one rooted in research or supportive of sound pedagogical practice. In their mission statement the organization claims to be the champions of high-quality public education for every child, but we will show that much of what they champion, regarding policies and positions, are not rooted in best practices. We believe that hedge fund managers, business executives, and privately-run corporations should not be involved in creating or implementing education policy. Teachers, administrators, parents, communities, and elected school boards should be the stakeholders responsible for creating and implementing education policy in this country. 

BATs is proud to offer this to our network and we hope you will use it as a source for all your education research needs.

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